Available Plans

Physique 1.0 is a great gym based program that is appropriate for the intermediate / advanced client that is still developing skills with a barbell (can replace with dumbbells) and learning overload techniques. You will be learning the following overload techniques in this plan: Alternating Antagonist Supersets, Pyramid Overload, and Pre-exhaust Agonist Supersets. All workouts incorporate a new overload method and finish with traditional hypertrophy blocks. If you have 12-18 months of gym experience, this program is appropriate for you! This program includes four days of strength training sessions including 2 upper body and 2 lower body days and new programming beginning every four weeks.
- 4 days per week, 2 upper/2 lower strength splits
- 60-75 min average workout time
- 12 weeks total

Physique 2.0 is a continuation of Physique 1.0 with another 12 weeks of advanced overload methods to test advanced lifters. You will be using Contrast Loading, Trisets (bookcase), and descending drop set overload methods. This program is a gym based only program with four days of 60 minute strength training sessions including 2 upper body and 2 lower body days and new programming beginning every four weeks. All workouts incorporate a new overload method focusing on max strength and/or hypertrophy blocks.
- 4 days per week, 2 upper/2 lower strength splits
- 60-75 min average workout time
- 12 weeks total

Physique 3.0 is a continuation of Physique 2.0 and introduces additional advanced overload methods for the advanced lifter. In this plan, we introduce wave loading, post-exhaustion supersets, 21s, and ascending dropsets with 1 1/14 reps. All workouts incorporate a new overload method focusing on either max strength and /or hyperytrophy . This program is a gym based only program with four days of strength training (60 minute sessions) (2 upper/2 lower) with new programming beginning every four weeks.
- 4 days per week, 2 upper/2 lower strength splits
- 60-75 min average workout time
- 12 weeks total

The final installment in the Physique Happens Advanced Collection is sure to push you beyond what you thought you were capable of. The first two programs are set up with 4 strength training days (2 upper/2 lower) while the final program ends with a massive bang by adding in a 5th lower body training day for 3 lower body days and 2 upper body days for the final month of this program. This is Hailey’s exact program she did in 2023. If you are reaching your genetic ceiling and need a new stimulus to increase your gains, Physique 4.0 gets you there!
- 4 days per week, 2 upper/2 lower strength splits
- 60-70 min average workout time
- 12 weeks total